Booking calendar
DEMO for Medical
Let's choose a doctor and try to book a medical time slot with him/her!
Let's choose a doctor and try to book a medical time slot with him/her!
how to create a booking system like that?
how to create a booking system like that?
- Create booking form for every doctor (just 5 minutes/doctor)
Configure a booking form for each doctor like doing it for personal
Create a custom calendar and some time slots
Share the Calendar with the doctor (who will create his own time slots)
Create a form, connect with the created calendar using BC
Customization (set number of patients per slot, time condition,...). Then, they are auto sync.
2. Integrate Forms into one site
2. Integrate Forms into one site
Now, every doctor have a separate booking Form, that they can share on email, personal website, socials,... but you (the officer) can integrate them (the Forms) into one site (like this Demo) for the management and patients using purposes
3. What is the fee for a booking system like that (surprise!?)
3. What is the fee for a booking system like that (surprise!?)
With an unlimited bookings plan (recurring payment) with $10/month you (with your single account) can setup the booking forms up for 6 doctors.